Professional Finishing Systems

We specialize in assisting our clients in the education and corporate arena with space planning, product selection, budgeting, project management, moisture remediation, and installation of most types of flooring.

What We Do

Our main goal is to provide a consultative relationship with our customers to assess and fill the client’s needs and expectations. Created to meet the service and technical needs in commercial flooring for school districts, general contractors, colleges and universities, and end users. We provide comprehensive project management, communication, product selection, life cycle cost analysis, and maintenance training that focuses on the individual clients needs.

Our Services

We specialize in assisting our clients in the Education and Corporate arena with space planning, product selection, budgeting, project management, moisture remediation, and installation of most types of flooring. We specialize in the following flooring categories:


Resilient Flooring

Rubber Flooring

Ceramic Tile & Stone

Concrete Polishing


Athletic & Sports Flooring

Coatings, Epoxy & Leveling

Furniture Moving

Meet Freddie, our CEO

With over 14 years of experience in the construction industry, Freddie will see the projection to completion from the beginning to the end and will be involved in all processes. Freddie’s extensive operational experience and hands-on approach gives him a bird’s eye view of our projects. Freddie works hand-in-hand with the Owner identifying opportunities for savings, monetarily and schedule wise while identifying potential risks to the Project(s) along the way.

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